tisdag 29 mars 2011


I should write in english?

I'll give it a go.

Since last time I've realised school just isn't for me. I've tried (from kidergarden until now) 12 different schools. 5 elementary schools, 4 strange ones (summer school, pre-gymnasium-school, homeschooling...etc), and 3 "gymnasiums" (pre-university schools for kids the ages 16-20 yrs old). And I've never made it work.

And alot of people are going to call me insane or stupid, because in this society not going to school just isn't accepted. It's also going to make it very, very difficult to ever find a job.

But I have the solution. I will, within three years time, togheter with my paternal grandmother, buy a farm. I will then be able to grow my own veggies, breed my own chickens and rabbits and take care of myself.

(a typical swedish farm, I suppose. Not a big one, but a small personal house on the countryside)

I have a plan. I will start my own company, taking care of dogs, night time and day time. I might expand it with bathing and brushing and paint portraits of the dogs, if there is an interest. I might even take a course in doggy grooming.

Then, on my farm, my company will transform into a doggy hotel, a stable with several rentable booths and if business goes well I'll build some rentable cottages. Perfect!

I'll live more naturally, I don't have to try and impress any employers and I can shape my life however I want to.

And I can have big beautiful dogs living on a natural diet, well socialised with other dogs, never having to be left for several hours unattended (although I will train them to be capable of it, of course, in case of emergency and such).

My english is not the very best, but I hope it's at least readable! :)

tisdag 8 mars 2011

Random thoughts

Ser ju inte ut att bli valp detta år... Har så mycket ångest inför skolan att well, jag inte ens kan gå dit. Så vi får se med betygen.

Sen så funderar jag - borde jag verkligen binda upp mig i ungefär 10 år framöver? Borde jag inte vänta egentligen? I alla fall med att skaffa egen hund. Kan alltid vara dagmatte eller dyl.

Skulle inte ångra mig, men kan ju vara värt att tänka lite innan. För jag är ganska intresserad av att resa och se världen. Europa, USA, Asien, Nya zeeland, Australien.. kanske afrika också.

Hund passade väldigt bra med tanken att studera framöver - men jag vill egentligen inte studera. Eller, jo det vill jag väl. Men knappast gymnasie eller universitetsstudier. Däremot enstaka universitetsklasser och dyl.

Sen funderar jag lite över varghund också. Dem är så fina! Funderar på att ha både och - fast senare i livet. Vill ju ha både hus och trädgård... i skogen...

Och Raw Meaty Bones håller jag mig nog till.