So well, I've been up to alot this summer and autumn - of course!
Sorry to say that I'm not currently caring for Caesar, the beautiful fawn great dane gentleman. Our scheduals unfortunaly didn't match any more. But I'll probably see him sometimes anyway.
I've also gotten a little cutie pie named Zelda to care for, she's a brindle french bulldog (although she barely has any stripes, just a couple here and there - mostly just a wonderful, almost black, slightly walnutty color) and she's only 1,5 years old! Such a little darling!

Also I've been living with (directly translated) The Fluffy Family. It consists of 2 cats and 2 afghan hounds + 1 human, usually Marina. But she took a job on a luxury cruise in amsterdam and was away 2 weeks at a time. So then I'd just step in as the human in the family and live with them until Marina got back. There's Eskil the Cornish Rex and Iris the Ragdoll-mix, Smilla and Haley the afghan hounds.
For now though, I wont be staying with The Fluffy Family for a while - probably. We'll see!
I also just meet a 7 month old curly coated retriever puppy. His name is Eddie and he's the gentlest, cosiest little pup I've ever met! More about him in a while.
shame that you are not getting the chance to spend time with Caesar anymore but I'm sure you will still catch up with him from time to time! She looks really well in that photo – and my God, every time I see him, I am shocked at how much he looks like Honey (or she looks like him!) :-)
SvaraRaderaIt's lovely that you are getting the chance to look after all these other lovely animals and spend time with "furries", even though you can't have one of your own yet! :-)
Hsin-Yi (and Honey the great Dane)
Yes it is really a shame! I noticied the biggest difference I can spot, besides the gendes.. and it's their snouts! Honey's is much more pointed then Ceasar's, his is much more blunt :)
SvaraRaderaOh yes, isn't it? :) I also got myself a new blog, a fresh start, a couple of weeks ago: (blackandwhitedogs that would be in english :))
Kram! (hug)