First we took him to a local fenced dog area so he could run loose (In sweden we don't really have dog parks... At least not in or around Göteborg). Vladimir hasn't really taught him a good recall either. It was just a patch of grass and dirt about 20x20 meters.
Two minutes after we got there a man comes by with a big German Sheperd looking dog which made the little sausage even more crazy, but in a barking way. He also refused to leave, it took him at least 30 minutes to leave... His dog was also barking. He told us that we should "dominate" our dog. Grr.
Anyway, after that we played and took photos! Here are some:
But when he was in his "cage" (it's more of a bag) and on his way with us, home... Some kind of accident happened! We looked in to the bag/cage when we could finally sit down and he was all wet! The leash, his paws, his unmentionables, his belly and the blanket on which he'd been sitting on was also completley wet. But without a smell.. like it was only water? But that's impossible.
Anyway, he'd had quite alot to drink and as a typical male he pees alot, so maybe all the urin was out! But we of course had to bathe him and he HATES bathing. Here is a few emotional and blurry pictures:
Another little note is that we've tried a few different approaches to stop his barking, so now we're going to reward all of his barking and see what THAT does to the noise ;)
Awwww, I think Candy is so lucky to have you looking after him! He is treated like a prince! :-)
Wow, thank you Hsin-Yi! :)
SvaraRaderaAnd I drew another picture of honey :) She's so wonderful I just had to. I'll scan it today!