This is my situation:
There is probably about three years before I'll move to my farm.
I don't have alot of money.
I still want a pet.
So the idea that popped in to my head was... why don't I get a rat?

*They are very clever.
*They are trainable.
*They are cozy.
*You can basically bring them anywere.
*They very economical, probably just a few hundred SEK/kronor a month. One hundred SEK/kronor being 10 euro.
*They are quite short lived and therefor not a huge commitment.
*Multiple rats is a good thing, but it's not a bigger commitment then one. (unless you have two cages, but that's just silly)
I should get rats! They're awfully cute, too. I once had a rat called Lucifer. She was black and white with a black upside down cross on her back. Her pet name was Lucy.
Picture from Google.
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