Nina came by with Caesar just to hang out a bit with us, we had some coffee and cake and I got to spend some time with this wonderful dog and his very nice owner!

After the coffee we went to the park so he could have a sniff & stroll.

Then we went to get his mattress and some food, and since the weather has gotten quite hot, he needed some water!

Then we got to their apartment (only 5-10 minutes from home!) but he didn't feel like going inside yet so we let him sniff around in the yard. He has a bush fetish! He just loooves to get his entire face/head inside of bushes.

Oh my God, Caesar looks so much like Honey - it's scary!!! Almost like looking in the mirror! I wonder if they are distantly related? Honey's ancestors were imported from Europe...
SvaraRaderaIt's really good that his owner is making the time to bring him to socialise with you before you look after him - so important!
They might be! Although Caesar har a bit of a crooked nose. It has sort of a bump on it.
SvaraRaderaAnd yes, I think so too! he's very well behaved in all situations but one. This morning I had a walk with Lizzy and Caesar and he just pulled on his leash to get close to her for like 45 minutes. My hand is sore now! Fortunaly he carried the leash himself for the walk back home without lizzy. She wasn't even in heat.
Hm. Well, I made another entry about him including a video, you can always check that out! It's Caesar in the middle and Lizzy running like crazy around him in a fenced area. :)